The Essential Homeschooler

An essential homeschooler knows she cannot fit it all in. She knows she has to make trade-offs and tough decisions. Instead of saying “yes” to people without really thinking, taking on too much and finding herself feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, an essential homeschooler chooses her commitments carefully. She feels in control, gets the right things done, and has joy in the journey.
This class applies the ideas of Essentialism: the Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown with thoughtful, homeschool-centric examples. As homeschoolers, there are far more activities and opportunities than we have time and resources to invest in. We need to pause and constantly ask, “Am I investing in the right activities for my family and their personal needs?” Come discuss empowering strategies that will allow you to become more focused and intentional in your choices and help you create the homeschooling experience you truly desire.



LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
The Essential Homeschooler