The Enchanted Education

The fantasy homeschool that lives in your imagination is a good one. It’s haunted by a invisible spirit called “The Ghost of Public School Past.” Her name is Mrs. Cox, she holds a red pen, and she whispers in your left ear: “By this age in school, your child would already be…” Make it stop! That voice leads you to do all kinds of schoolish activities in the name of taking education seriously. It also leads to all kinds of unhappiness, tedium, and feelings of failure.

What would happen if you could brush her off your shoulder? What can you do to gain confidence to follow the fragile, bright vision you have of how life at home could actually be? Let’s explore a new kind of homeschool paradigm together. Take a risk: have the homeschool of your dreams!


LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
The Enchanted Education