Most of us have felt, at one time or another, that crazy-intense feeling of approaching burnout. It’s like the game Hot Lava! We jump from imaginary rock to rock, just trying to stay alive and unscathed! We strive to keep ourselves out of the lava fields and off the molten ground. Keeping our focus where we want it, in the tide-pools, waves, and jungles of our homeschooling adventure takes planning, creativity, and a check of expectations. This is a class designed for all homeschooling parents, from the beginner to the seasoned pro. Let’s take a break together as we learn how to turn what seems like overwhelming opposition, into useful tools that will help us gain the momentum to successfully stay ahead of the Hot Lava! Join Lynnelle and laugh together as we discover the ebbs and flows of burnout!
HOT LAVA! Navigating Homeschool Burnout
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