Boardgame Your Way to a Fun Educational Day!

Educational games or games that are educational? The former lends itself to games that are made to specifically teach a subject in a game manner, which can cause a loss of enjoyment in its topic. The latter describes games where knowledge and skills gained can be direct or may be more surreptitious. Using board and card games to teach can: create skills, teach new information, solidify facts already studied, or encourage further study into places and things unknown. Games can also teach social skills such as: negotiation, how to lose, and how to express oneself through communication.

This class will teach how games can be used as tools in a homeschool program in varied curricula areas including: Language Arts, Science, History, Geography, and others. Through discussion, participants will learn of games that are more recent additions to the gaming world, but that have great applications for homeschool. There will also be a list of resources for where to find games for a child’s age level, and some suggested games along with how they can have an impact on studies. Be ready to spread your Wingspan, Scrabble your way to new worlds, work together to squelch a Pandemic of boredom, and find the 7 Wonders that will bring Dominion to your fun and open your eyes to a Bonanza of games.


LDSHE Podcast
LDSHE Podcast
Boardgame Your Way to a Fun Educational Day!